My son, Skylar, first started CrossFit Kid's under Steve and Marcie’s guidance in October 2012. He joined as part of a mandatory dryland training session for the first rep hockey team he made, Peewee Tier 4. He was always an athlete, but quickly found out how hard it was going to be to compete at an elite level. Steve and Marcie helped him set some personal goals and taught him the basic skills he was going to need to start training. While it was more challenging than any other training he'd done, he was instantly hooked. Even when it was no longer required training for the team, he insisted that he continue in the program.
He's now been involved with Steve & Marcie at CrossFit for two years, in both the Teen Program and their ‘Off-Season’ Summer Program. The Off-Season training helped get him into shape over the summer, which is usually a down time, and he gained additional skills. His agility, strength, balance, speed and general work ethic have improved tremendously. On top of all that, he is generally just a healthier kid. These are all skills that he was going to need if he was going to continue playing hockey at an elite level.
The nutritional guidance that is provided has changed his eating habits for the better and allowed him to, athletically, achieve his goals. He now understands the meaning of hard work and loves being able to see the results of all that work.
I have no problem letting Steve & Marcie provide training as I know safety is of utmost importance to them. While recovering from a concussion, they eased my son back into training and provided guidance during the recovery time.
I’m happy to say that Skylar has made tremendous strides in his hockey development, He went from barely making any rep team his first year of peewee to making the Bantam Tier 2 hockey team his first year in the division. I attribute this entirely to Steve & Marcie & CrossFit Northern ICE programs, I know he put in the work, but they gave him the tools. On top of the very busy hockey schedule, he is currently playing Junior Bantam city league football and Junior Varsity football on a high school level. He would never be able to balance such a heavy load without the stamina, strength, and discipline that he has gained through the CrossFit programs.
As a parent, I highly recommend CrossFit Northern Ice’s program for any kids that are looking to take the next step in their athletic training and who are willing to work hard for their results.
We look forward to many more years of training and guidance from Steve & Marcie through the CrossFit Northern Ice gym.
Sincerely, Corrine
Prince George
I just wanted to say how absolutely fantastic Coach Steve is at CrossFit Northern ICE! He totally rocks, and if you have ANY issues that need you to scale your workout or change it, he's the MAN.
~ Tanya
Prince George
Tonight at CrossFit Northern Ice I strung together double unders for the first time and I also got a PR for clean and jerk! So proud!! Thank you so much for such a fun, motivating and encouraging atmosphere, but also for great coaching!! A great gym to try!! Thanks Steve and Marcie!! :)
~ Ileana
Prince George
Mitchell has been playing hockey since he was 4 years old. He's always been successful in the PG rep hockey program and BC Interior Spring hockey. When he was 15, he made it his goal to make the Caribou Cougar Major Midget team, to achieve this he would need to get to another level of fitness.
Mitchell had tried many other workout programs, but didn’t really enjoy any of them, and we didn’t see and improvement in his fitness levels. He then tried Steve and Marcie's CrossFit 'Off-Season' Summer program. He was quick to like the CrossFit program, Steve & Marcie's level of caring about what each athlete is trying to achieve in their sport is shown with great enthusiasm every workout, they truly do go above and beyond to help each child set and achieve their goals.
For the past 2 summers, Mitchell has attended the early morning class without complaint, as a parent, that is success in itself for a teenager to get up early all summer long and not complain or make excuses on the way to the gym each day.
A pleasant surprise to me was Mitchell listened to them about making healthier eating choices, how to fuel his body to be an elite athlete. He would often think twice about what he should or should not be eating each day.
As well as the nutrition they focus on work ethic, speed, strength and agility and focus on what each child needs to improve on most to achieve their goals.
As coaches they are diligent on being sure the kids are at safe weights and technique is perfect to avoid injuries. While Mitchell is 6 feet, 190 lbs, his partner may not be, and that is always taken into careful consideration that each athlete is working to their personal abilities.
While being serious about fitness and achieving each athlete’s maximum level, the kids also have fun and make friends while improving their fitness level.
Mitchell made the Caribou Cougars as a first year 15 year old midget last year and credits a lot of his success to Steve & Marcie's CrossFit 'Off-Season' Summer Program, even now Mitchell says he can hear Marcie in his head telling him to dig deep…..he can do it!
This year he is again with the Caribou Cougars and an affiliate player for the Vernon Vipers, we are sure that he will be spending his 3rd summer with Marcie and Steve next year.
~ Ben and Cindy
Prince George, BC
Steve and Marcie are awesome Crossfit coaches. Very insightful, inspiring and motivating!
~ Tricia
Prince George
Came through PG from Vancouver and hit a workout here. Steve was great - extremely welcoming and very helpful!
~ Natalie
Vancouver, BC